Saturday, 27 February 2016

Converting my Dawes Sonoran to an E-Bike Part 4 - Battery, Controller, wiring and LCD Display

Now it's just a matter of fitting the battery, the controller, the display and connecting it all together.

It's a bottle battery so 2 screws and we're done - on the down tube rather than the seat tube. As I wrote in part 1, I sent back the original round bottle battery for the "upgraded" USB version. Although the USB port is of little use to me, this battery simply slots in and out where the "normal" version has a screw in plug which is significantly less useful. The upgraded battery is also 10Ah rather than 8Ah. 

The controller is another matter. The box fits neatly enough on the seat tube and the controller itself fits easily inside. However, Panda's wiring is generous in length so I tried to get as much of it inside the controller box as I could. This was a little fiddly and it then became difficult to hold it all in place before screwing the  two halves of the box together. The fit of the lid once it was crammed with controller and wires became a little less tight and I covered the seam with insulating tape - neat and hopefully weather proof.

The wiring from the battery to the controller does not have neat pugs but a pair of bullet connectors so I used heat-shrink tubing to protect the connection.  Unfortunately, Maplins colour code their heat-shrink by size so the most suitable tubing was bright blue - at some point I'll wrap that in insulating tape to neaten the job.

The other connections have (very) tight plugs but I've taped some of them as well - and combined with a selection of cable ties the overall installation is neat enough.

The LCD controller fits neatly on the handlebars and the rest of the wiring s just a matter of plugging it in.Unlike some, the LCD display can be configured to display in MPH and the instructions are not too "Chinglish" for an intelligent person to understand. 

I still need to find a neat solution to seal the ends of the three "spare wires" (thumb throttle and 2x brake cut-out) that you can see in the picture below.

Here's the complete installation - ready for the road. A quick test on a known and previously timed route of 6 and a half miles revealed that I was a full 5 minutes quicker than when I was 5 years younger, over a stone lighter and considerably fitter.

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